Sunday, 10 July 2016

Planning to Write

Planning your writing is just as important as the written product itself. Good planning includes the identification of your "purpose", "written format" "sequence of events or details", "related concepts and other background information" and outlines any "important topic information". Writing is not a skill that comes naturally. It must be taught and learned. Many people might begin writing with goals and ideas in mind but suddenly start to drift off subject if they are not guided by an appropriate organizer or brainstorming session.

Before you begin your writing, you may want to ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of my writing? To tell a story? To explain something? To describe something? To find something out? To address an opinion? What is my topic? What details would I like to include in my writing?
  • Who is my target audience? What do they know? What would I like them to know? How might I gain their attention?
Planning your writing is one of the best ways to ensure that you are expressing your ideas effectively. Below is a sample graphic organizer that may be used in the planning process which may be used for individual or classroom use.